Gemstones Of Afghanistan

Gemstones Of Afghanistan

Minerals offer Major Investment Opportunities in Afghanistan

Afghanistan’s mining industry offers a wealth of possibilities for the prospective investor, yet this lucrative sector is often overlooked by the global investment community. Although recent studies by the United States Geological Survey have determined that Afghanistan’s resource base is significantly greater than previously understood, the country’s mining sector remain virtually untouched.

Afghanistan boasts a long tectonic history and one of the most complex geologies in the world. Historically, mining in Afghanistan has focused on the production of precious stones. Afghanistan’s most famous stone, Lapis Lazuli, bejeweled the clothing and ornaments of Egyptian Pharaohs. More recent explorations has resulted in the discovery of significant resources of copper, iron, gold, halite, talc, and mica and marble.

Gemstones Of Afghanistan

Gemstones of Afghanistan

Afghanistan has rich deposits of precious (emeralds, ruby, and sapphires) and semi-precious (lapis lazuli, tourmaline, aquamarine, kunzite, topaz, garnets, fluorite, and varieties of quartz) gemstones. The precious gemstones are mined in Afghanistan while the semi-precious gemstones are worked. People living in villages surrounding the mines typically extract gemstone manually, using hand drills, dynamites and explosives, which creates a large amount of waste. Moreover, the current pattern of trade—gemstones mined in Afghanistan leaving the country illicitly and sorted for quality in Pakistan—causes a major decline in value gained by Afghanistan. A World Bank report (Mining as a source of growth, March 2004) shows a value of US$2.75 million, while according to a UNDP (2005) report, the potential annual value can be up to US$160 million annually.

Gemstones Of Afghanistan Book

Tourmaline from Nuristan, Afghanistan
Tourmaline from Nuristan, Afghanistan is found in many colors and shades. Tourmaline is one of the more popular gems on the market today.

Myanmar Rubbies - Gemstones Of Afghanistan
Fine ruby specimens. The crystals are from, from left to right, Afghanistan, Vietnam and Tanzania, while the two faceted gems are from Mogok, Burma.
(Photo: Harold & Erica Van Pelt; Gems: Pala International).

Tourmaline teal fan afghan - Gemstones Of Afghanistan
Gemstones Of Afghanistan

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