Gemstone Ruby

Gemstone Ruby
Gemstone Ruby

The gemstone ruby is the red variety of the mineral Corundum, the second hardest mineral known. The stone of passion and heart’s desire ruby is surely a must have. Thanks to its intense red color, the Ruby has been associated with blood, fire, heart and passion throughout the millennia.

Gemstone Ruby

Ruby is also the stone for the 40th and 50th anniversary, and the stone of Capricorn. In healing, rubies are the gem of choice to cure diseases of the blood and the heart. Here are some pictures of Gemstone Ruby for you to see. Hope you are happy to see Gemstone ruby.

Gemstone Ruby

Star Ruby Natural Gemstone Ceylon Asterism

Red Ruby Gemstone

Gemstone Ruby

Natural Ruby Gemstone Gallery Emerald Cut

Gemstone Ruby Jewelry

Carmen Lucia Ruby Front - Gemstone Ruby
Gemstone Ruby

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