Diamonds Photos

Diamonds Photos
Diamonds Photos

How to Get the Best Photograph of a Diamond
By David Y Moore - Ezinearticles

The expectation for any pictures of a diamond is to get the sparkle and shine of a precious stone while preserving the visibility of the cut and avoiding reflections. The important things to diamond picture making are the lighting and location - that can be easily determined by the usage of a light box. A light box is good for macro photography (close-up), can be used indoor and outdoor and uncomplicated to make. Using an enfold lighting method will avoid reflections and spread the light evenly. Natural sunlight is the best complement of diamond since it brings out the full spectrum of colors of the stone.

Diamonds Photos

Step 1

Construct a light box by cutting out the front and sides of a cardboard box; leaving about an inch of cardboard around each cut-out a frame. Cut the flaps off the top of the box, and tape tissue paper inside the box over the cut-outs. The tissue paper will obstruct any possible reflections and distribute light evenly. Wrap the back and bottom inside of the box by twisting a piece of non glossy poster board over both parts without creasing, and tape the poster board in place. Leaving the poster board curved rather than lined in the corner will create a smooth plane for the surroundings of the picture making.

Diamonds Photos

Step 2

Choose between shoot outdoors in the sun or using two full-spectrum light bulbs, or do both. A good light bulbs for taking a picture of a diamond ought to have a color heat of 5000K or bigger and an index ranking of 90 to 100. Put the lights on the left and right sides of the shot or light box.

Diamonds Photos

Step 3

Select a display for the diamond within the light box. A little jewelry box or jewelry place is the easiest display for jewelry picture taking. Another option is to use molding clay or wax to angle a piece of jewelry. If using clay or wax, put a piece of glass on the underneath the light box; so oils from the materials do not blemish to the poster board. Unset stones can be photographed straight in the box without a display or on a piece of textile.

Diamonds Photos

Step 4

Seize a piece of tin foil between you and the light box to boost the focus of light and block any reflection from that position. Picture taking of a diamond is best facing a soft light source. A third light bulb can be used in position of the reflector.

Diamonds Photos

Diamonds Photos

Diamonds Photos
Diamonds Photos

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