Gemstones For Leukemia

Gemstones For Leukemia
Gemstones For Leukemia

Color Therapy - How to Use Color to Empower Your Life
by Tulsi Milliken, PhD
Psychologist, Spiritual Counselor, Energy Healing

In general, most people don't realize the power of color, and how it can help us to heal and empower ourselves. Think about when you eat certain foods or take a vitamin. Do you really know how it affects your whole system-your body, mind, your spirit? Probably not. To understand how color impacts us individually, you have to educate yourself and study its effects.

To learn how color affects you, try bringing in a color's power. For example, you can do this by eating foods of a specific color or wearing a particular color. Take note of which senses stimulate you most, and how long you need to use a color to notice its effect. Color can have various effects on both our mood and physical body.

Gemstones For Leukemia

It is unfortunate that the majority of the medical community has viewed the use of the visible light spectrum as of little consequence for healing, while ultraviolet light has been used to kill bacteria and healing T-cell leukemia for many years. Hopefully this will change in the future, since the use of color for healing goes back over 5,000 years. The ancient Egyptians, Chinese, Native Americans, Aborigines, Tibetans and now present-day practitioners and healers have all used color to help balance and harmonize people. Color therapy is the use of color to treat physical, emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances. The effects of color therapy are non-invasive and can occur at a deep cellular level.

We can absorb color in many simple ways. One way is through food or drinks. You can also visualize or breathe in a color. There are any number of ways to work with color for empowering yourself with the energy you need. We know today that gemstones radiate energy. In ancient times, ornaments were worn for a specific purpose and designed with that in mind. Some of the favored colors were red, blue, yellow, green and white.

Gemstones For Leukemia

Let's just take one color and show how it impacts you. If you want to kick start your day try using the color red. Put on some red underwear, socks or a red shirt. Red can help you express a lot of energy, confidence and vitality. Red gives you power to create, and strengthens your physical body. If you are shy, try working with red if you wish to be more outgoing. Depending on the color we wear, we affect our self and others energetically.

Continuing with the red theme, after you've dressed in something red, start out with a red drink like tomato or cranberry juice. Sprinkle some cinnamon, which is red energy on your cereal. If you have a red gemstone, hold it while you meditate, wear it or put it in a pocket. Whether you work at home or an office, you can put something red on your desk. If you have a few moments, look at the red object and imagine breathing in that invigorating red energy as it fills your whole body. Visualize this red energy connecting with your first chakra which is red, as it feeds you vitality and strength to accomplish your goals for the day. You can also say an affirmation as you breathe in red, such as "I am filling my body, mind and Spirit with passion and vitality." Additionally, some people like to use essential oils in a diffuser, bath or diluted on the skin. For red energy you can use Sandalwood or Ylang Ylang.

Gemstones For Leukemia

However you use red throughout the day, be aware that nighttime should bring a return to peaceful, quiet colors such as greens or blues. Too much red energy at night, such as energizing drumming music or wearing a red nightgown can affect your sleep and your energy level the next day.

As an introduction to color therapy I have given you one color and a way to use it, but there is a whole spectrum of colors you can use for your own personal needs or healing. There's a multitude of ways to experience color, whether it's wearing a specific color, or experiencing it through your sense of smell or taste. You can be as creative as you like. The main thing is, you have the power to change your energy with the use of color. So if this article stimulated your interest, there are many good books on the subject you can explore. Just remember that when you bring in the power of a particular color you have a choice of how you want to use it! So use it to have an enlivening, fun filled day while you empower yourself in the process.

Gemstones For Leukemia
Gemstones For Leukemia

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