Images Of Fancy Cut Gemstones

Images Of Fancy Cut Gemstones
Images Of Fancy Cut Gemstones

Fancy shapes like triangles, ovals, pear shaped, kite-shaped, heart shaped, lozenge-shaped, pentagonal, hexagonal, rhomboids, parallelograms, rhomboids, octagons etc. require a lot of work. It requires a lot of expertise on part of the cutter of obtaining such shapes. Recent advances in cutting technology have produced a breathtaking range of innovative new shapes like flowers, clover leaves, stars etc.

Images Of Fancy Cut Gemstones

Images Of Fancy Cut Gemstones

Images Of Fancy Cut Gemstones

Images Of Fancy Cut Gemstones

Images Of Fancy Cut Gemstones

Images Of Fancy Cut Gemstones

Images Of Fancy Cut Gemstones
Images Of Fancy Cut Gemstones

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