Gemstones Prices In Mumbai

Gemstones Prices In Mumbai

One question we hear frequently from prospective buyers is, "What are the best values in natural gemstones in today's market?".

Prices on gemstones go up and down depending on supply and demand, but generally they go up over time, sometimes dramatically. Give general pricing trends, virtually every gemstone variety is a good value today, since they are all likely to be more expensive next year. But the buyer asking the question has, it seems, something else in mind. He wants to know, as the Americans say, how do you get "the most bang for the buck."

Since beauty is to some considerable degree in the eye of the beholder, we wouldn't presume to tell you what the most beautiful gemstone is for your money. But we can tell you which stones have the best gemstone characteristics based on their per carat price. And that seems to us to be a reasonable way of defining gemstone value.

Gemstones Prices In Mumbai

Gemstones Prices In Mumbai
Gemstones Prices In Mumbai

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