Gemstones Density

Gemstones Density
Gemstones Density

Density and Specific Gravity

Another way to measure gemstones is to measure the specific gravity. The specific gravity is the measurement of weight of a specific item, in this case a gemstone, which is of any volume, compared to the weight of an equal volume of water. Specific gravity is usually expressed in density, which is the grams per cubic centimeter(g/cm3) or for larger gemstones kilograms per cubic centimeter (kg/cm3). To determine density, there are two methods that have been proven to be successful. The first method is the buoyancy method which can be done with the help of a Hydrostatic Balance. The Hydrostatic Balance uses Archimedes Principle of buoyancy which states that the buoyant force of an object in water is equal to the weight fluid that is displaced by the object. The second method of determining density is the suspension method. The suspension method is states that an object will float in liquid of higher density, sink in a liquid of lower density and remain suspended in liquid of the same density. This is an inexpensive method that can be performed using a set of liquids where the amount of density is known.

Gemstones Density

Gemstones Density

Gemstones Density

Gemstones Density

Gemstones Density

Gemstones Density
Gemstones Density

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