Most Expensive Of All Gemstones

Most Expensive Of All Gemstones
Most Expensive Of All Gemstones

One thing that most people know is that emeralds are a major gemstone and that they are expensive. That's largely because emeralds are a type of the mineral beryl and they are rare. They come in varying shades of green.

Most Expensive Of All Gemstones

It is chromium, vanadium or iron elements in the stone which make that lovely green colour. On the Moh's scale of hardness where the hardest is diamond at 10, emerald comes in around 7.5. So it is reasonably hard but rubies and sapphires come in harder around 9.

Most Expensive Of All Gemstones

Where are they found?

Emeralds are found in India, South Africa, Russia, Pakistan and some small deposits in the USA. The most important emeralds come from Columbia.

Most Expensive Of All Gemstones

Just how expensive is emerald?

Well, if you get any other gemstone of the same weight as an emerald, chances are most likely that the emerald will be the most expensive. So in that sense it is the most expensive gemstone in the world.

Most Expensive Of All Gemstones

Most Expensive Of All Gemstones

Most Expensive Of All Gemstones
Most Expensive Of All Gemstones

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