Gemstones Yellow Sapphire

Gemstones Yellow Sapphire

Facts about Yellow Sapphire
  • Color : Blue, yellow, green, white, colorless, pink, orange, brown, and purple
  • Hardness: 9
  • SG : 3.9 - 4.1
  • RI : 1.76 - 1.77
  • DR : .0008
  • Luster : Vitreous to adamantine
  • Mineral class : Corundum
  • Composition : Be3Al2SiO6
Gemstones Yellow Sapphire

Astrological Significance of Yellow Sapphire

Yellow Sapphire helps in achieving better financial status. The wearer may get plenty of wealth, good health, name honour and fame if the Gems suits him or her. It is said to have powers of helping un-wed girls to find suitable match for a girl early. This is normally faint yellow in colour and is said to be a cold gem. In diseases, it cures diarrhea, gastritis, ulcer, rheumatism, jaundice, insomnia, heart troubles, impotency, gout, arthritis, pain in knee joints, etc. It should be worn in gold, on 1st finger of right hand on Thursday.

Gemstones Yellow Sapphire

The yellow sapphire Horoscope is observed as the best of gems because it corresponds to the Brihaspati, who is considered the teacher of gods. Brihaspati, i.e. Jupiter represents wisdom, religion in individual’s life. Thus this gem is creditable to be worn by all. It renders immense benefit to professionals like authors, barristers, merchants and businessmen.

Yellow Sapphire represents planet Jupiter which is a celestial planet of the Zodiac. A yellow sapphire ring worn brings good luck, peace and prosperity. It bestows on its wearer vigor, vitality, wisdom, longevity, name and fame. Wearer also progresses in the spiritual field and becomes free from all kinds of fears.

Large Yellow Sapphire Cushion Cut

It also helps to appease the anger of its wearer by rendering sharp sightedness. It strengthens the bondage of friendship and helps in preventing danger of accidental death.

Gemstones Yellow Sapphire

An unblemished yellow sapphire is also worn for robust health, wisdom, property, longevity, name, honors and fame and progeny. But care should be taken of not wearing faulty gems. Blemished gemstones are the cause of many troubles. They can invite threats or theft. Gem lacking luster and transparency creates rivals and disharmony in the family. Stone that has developed milky appearance causes injuries to the body. The stone that has a mesh like scratches can cause stomach disorders. Wealth of wearer can get destroyed if a stone with red dots on it is worn.

Gemstones Yellow Sapphire

Gemstones Yellow Sapphire
Gemstones Yellow Sapphire

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